Since the law passed Chatel 1 August 2005, the insured has the sole right to terminate their auto insurance at year's end. In which case, the insurance company is obligated to send you a maturity notice stating the annual premium to come, and this at least 15 days before the deadline for the annual renewal date. Then ensues a maturity notice, following which the insured has a period of 20 days to termination. In the event that due notice was not provided, you are entitled to terminate the contract whenever you like.
The contract will expire the day after the day you mail the letter. The insurance company then has the obligation to refund any premiums it has collected in advance, but it subtracts the time between renewal and cancellation. In case the maturity notice does not arrive, or if you approved too late for your deadline. Terminate your contract by sending a letter with acknowledgment of receipt.
According to the Insurance Code, it is possible to terminate the insurance contract solely and exclusively in the following situations: when you move, if marital status is not the same, if there is a change of occupation or dismissal. However, the situation must lead to a change in risk for the contract termination to be valid. For example a move that leads to no change in security for your car (even parking etc..) Will obviously not taken into account. It will present the pieces demonstrating the authenticity of your cancellation request. It was at this time that the company will reimburse you.
Some special cases: First, it is possible to terminate his contract following a rate increase if the contract in question provides, which is rarely the case, and when it is, there is usually a close in which the company shall increase the minimum below which no complaint is validated. Similarly, it is impossible to cancel the contract if the rate increase due to higher risk because of the insured.
Then, the termination by non-payment of a deadline is possible but expensive. After you have granted 30 days of recovery, then an additional 10 days, the company will terminate your contract but will ask for damages, including all of the premium.
Finally, some advice: Do not confuse birthday and date, read your contract. Keep written proof of your decision to terminate. In case of problems please contact the hierarchy of your insurer. Do not ignore the notice. These tips will be highly useful, follow. The law Chatel is a real breakthrough for consumers that we are, the fact remains that the termination of auto insurance is a long and treacherous.